Block step

in vinyl and laminate with ABS edge

For renovating especially open stairs, such as single-stringer and double-stringer stairs, we now also offer block steps in our laminate and vinyl decors. These are equipped with a impact-resistant ABS edge.

Vinyl stair tread

Steps for heavy-duty use

A pre-fabricated L-shaped step element for high demands, consisting of a V313 substrate material with vinyl plastic covering and PUR enhancement. The V313 substrate is particularly low-swelling. The surface, designed for industrial use, is highly resilient (usage class 42). The surface structure of the treads is slip-resistant (R9) and sound-reducing. Vinyl steps are available with a straight front edge in "Classic Style".

CPL laminate stair tread

Steps for normal use

The pre-fabricated L-shaped step element consists of a V313 substrate board with a laminate surface. The hardness of the laminate (usage class 32) prevents the steps from wearing out. The laminate used has a brushed surface texture for slip resistance. Laminate steps are available in 16 different decors, with either a straight front edge in "Classic Style" and/or a profiled front edge in "Elegance", depending on the decor.

Solid wood stair tread

Made from noble woods

Eine in L-Form vorgefertigte Stufe, deren Stirnholz massiv ist. Die Trittfläche besteht aus einer 18 mm starken, stabverleimten Massivholzplatte. Die Oberfläche ist roh und kann auf Wunsch mit Treppenlack oder Hartwachsöl versiegelt werden. Standardmäßig in den Holzarten Eiche, Esche, Buche, Ahorn, Kirsche und Nussbaum, mit 3 STANDARD-Vorderkantenprofilen lieferbar.

Other wood types and front edge profiles available upon request.

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